Different types of fungi on human feet are called yeast infections. When the skin is affected, the disease is called the group of dermatomycosis (epidermophytosis, trichophytosis), because the dermis is translated from Greek as skin. If the nail is affected, the disease is defined as onychomycosis.

Causes of the disease
Fungi on the feet is a common disease that plagues the world. More common in cities than in rural areas. The risk group for yeast infection of the feet includes athletes, shower workers and workers in hot shops. Children have thinner skin which is not protected from external factors, so they are also susceptible to yeast infections. Another reason is the increased sweating of the feet, as a result of diseases of the body or some congenital feature. Dermatologists believe that the risk of getting yeast infection increases with age. Factors contributing to the disease:
- wearing uncomfortable leatherette closed-toe shoes;
- warm environment with high humidity, typical when wearing shoes;
- violation of the blood supply to the extremities;
- frequent visits to crowded places;
- a weak or defective immune system;
- wear shoes for strangers.
Rapid infection
Dermatomycosis of the feet is easily transmitted in public places from a sick person to a healthy person. Infection occurs through contact surfaces: floors, household items, personal hygiene items, other people's shoes. The fungus is spread by direct contact, it multiplies very quickly, which is why it is so easy for them to get infected. Situations of fungus transmission in hairdressing salons through tools during a pedicure, as well as towels, are not excluded. The disease affects the skin of the feet. This is especially common in men, as they spend most of their time in closed-toe shoes. Frequent visits to gymnasiums, baths, military service, where you do not always have to wear your own size - all this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. An unventilated area of the room is beneficial for pathogenic fungi for reproduction. The spread of pathogenic flora is very rapid. The place where the fungus predominates are the toes and the interdigital spaces. Saunas and baths are characterized by high humidity and high temperatures, which is ideal for the development of pathogenic microflora.
Fungal infection can be direct and indirect. Directly you can get infected through direct contact with a sick person. Indirect contamination involves the use of objects that have been used by a sick person.
Manifestations of yeast infection
The very first symptom of the disease is the appearance of skin scales on the feet. Thanks to these elements, infection occurs. Increased sweating is a favorable factor for the reproduction of microbes, since the changed composition of sweat becomes a nutrient for the growth of pathogenic flora.

Dirt and yarn residue from socks also collects between the toes. When a fungal infection is added to the listed factors, redness appears in them. The affected area begins to itch unbearably, causing discomfort to the person. The skin begins to peel off, which causes painful cracks to appear. When walking, there are unpleasant painful sensations due to the presence of sores on the skin of the foot. The skin begins to thicken and the infection can spread to the nails. If left untreated, the yeast infection spreads and affects the nails, destroying them. The nail plate first changes its color to a white shade. Afterwards, it can flake off. Voids form between the nail plate and the nail bed. With a fungus on the feet, an unpleasant smell appears. In winter, when closed shoes are worn, the leg is not ventilated, the intensity of the lesion of the feet increases. For the treatment of this pathology, an accurate formulation of the correct diagnosis is necessary, since there are many types of fungal pathogens.
The main types of diseases
- The type of membrane (intertriginous form) is the most common. A fungal infection is seen between the fifth and fourth toes. Gradually, the skin acquires a scaly structure with elements of cracks. Sometimes a bacterial infection is attached to the fungus, which causes even more damage to the skin of the legs.
- Moccasin type type. Manifested by pain in the foot. Then the skin thickens, thickens and cracks. Severe fungal lesions capture the nails, which over time can begin to crumble, flake off.
- Vesicular type (dyshidrotic form). It is manifested by the appearance of blisters under the skin, filled with fluid. It is often accompanied by a bacterial infection.
Types of mushrooms in the photo of the legs with names

There are different types of fungi, they correspond to various diseases. There are four most common types of fungi that cause damage to the feet.
- Trichophyton rubrum (Trichophytonrubrum) is heavy with rubrophytosis.
- Interdigital Trichophyton (Trichophytoninterdigitale) affects the skin between the fingers, involving the entire foot in the disease. Causes epidermophytosis.
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes leads to complete epidermophytosis.
- Candida albicans is a female fungus. Causes candidiasis of the feet, but this is rare.

Epidermophytosis and trichophytosis (rubromycosis) are skin diseases that are collectively referred to as yeast infections of the feet, caused by parasitic fungi of the genus dermatophytes.
Dermatophyte fungi:
- microsporum;
- epidermophyton;
- t.
Molds that cause fungal diseases:
- hendersonula;
- altemaria;
- s.
Pathogenic yeast fungi:
- pityrosporum;
- candidiasis;
- cryptococcus;
- malassezia;
- coccidoides;
- histoplasma;
- w.
Preventive measures

Since fungi like warm and humid habitats, this means that it is necessary to violate these conditions to get rid of them. Therefore, to avoid fungus, the feet should be clean and dry. It is important to change your socks and dry your shoes on time. There are special antiperspirants on sale that will block the development of pathogenic microflora. It is better to choose leather shoes to maintain normal metabolic processes between the feet and the environment. The foot will sweat less, and breeding conditions will not be created for fungi. It is advisable to wear socks at home, which you take off and wash, while germs and dirt accumulate on house shoes.
It is necessary to use only your own things, because you do not know the presence of other people's illnesses. Your immunity may not be able to keep up with pathogens and get infected. You need to air your shoes more often. When visiting public places, it is advisable to take personal hygiene items with you. Never walk barefoot on the ground in swimming pools and showers. The use of prophylactic antifungal creams and ointments also helps. After all, swimming pools, locker rooms, saunas and other rooms with high humidity are breeding grounds for fungi. At home in the bathroom it is better to refuse porous rugs.
Risk group
There are people who are more susceptible to this disease than others. This can be due to bodily issues, such as:
- overweight;
- violation of blood circulation in the legs;
- flat feet and deformities of the feet;
- weakened immune system;
- stressed people;
- after antibiotic treatment.
Diagnosis of fungal foot disease
The doctor conducts a detailed examination of the foot, asks for complaints. Skin samples are taken from the patient to be tested for fungi. A fragment of skin is obtained with a small scratch specially made on the foot. For analysis, the nail is cut from the place infected with the fungus. The presence of yeast infection is determined by special tests. To identify the type of fungus, it is cultivated, that is, it is cultivated. In rare cases, at an advanced stage of the disease, the patient may be ordered for a biopsy. In this case, the prepared material is examined under a microscope.
Processing methods
In order to achieve results of treatment, it is necessary to clarify the type of fungus and the presence of infections, if any, have joined it. The degree of damage is also taken into account.
The basis of membrane-type treatment resembles the application of antifungal drugs to the affected area. It is convenient to do this even at home. These drugs stop the growth of bacteria or slow the spread of the disease. Many of these drugs are available over the counter without a prescription. The action of the substances occurs locally, at the site of application on the affected skin. It is important to monitor the dynamics of treatment, if there is no improvement, the drug may not help.

If there is no effect of the agent used, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist again for the appointment of further treatment. You may need to prescribe a stronger medicine. In especially severe cases of the course of the disease, tablets are prescribed. Many drugs have side effects, so it is necessary to monitor the blood count during treatment with pills. The fungus is very difficult to cure completely because it can reproduce itself. Treatment should not be interrupted, otherwise the fungi may show resistance to the components of the drug that affect them. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the foot. With a moccasin-like form of infection, onychomycosis, that is, damage to the nails, occurs very often. Due to the fact that the skin on the leg is thickened and it is more difficult for drugs to get inside, this disease is more difficult to cure. In this case, standard drugs "do not work" and additional treatment in the form of pills is prescribed. Onychomycosis - lesions of the toenails by a fungus of the genus dermatophytes. The disease can also be caused by yeasts and molds. There are several types of onychomycosis:
- Distal subungual. Depending on the area of the nail plate lesion, three degrees of damage are distinguished. If the nail is presented in a section and conditionally divided into three parts (in depth), the lesion reaches two thirds the volume will correspond to the first two stages of the disease. And when more than 2/3 of the nail is affected by the fungus, it is already the third degree. In this case, the root of the nail (matrix) is involved in the disease process, and sometimes also folds of the skin on the sides of the nail, called periungual ridges;
- proximal subungual. The defeat of the back of the nail plate, where the hole is located;
- superficial white. This type of onychomycosis is common on the feet;
- total dystrophic. The last finishing step.
In the vesicular type, the doctor may prescribe removal of the tops of the blisters. Then all the liquid that comes out is blotted out. This area is dried, an antifungal cream or a special compress is applied to it. If the presence of a bacterial infection is determined, antibiotic treatment is prescribed. Sometimes the illness is accompanied by a fever. Acute infections respond better to treatment than chronic, slow fungal processes. In severe cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Antifungal drugs are taken until complete recovery. It happens that not all fungi die, and when the drugs are canceled, a relapse of the disease occurs.
If the patient is not treated, the disease will become chronic and he will develop a severe bacterial infection. In addition to the foot, the skin of the toes can be involved in the disease.
Traditional medicine offers compresses and lotions for the treatment of nail fungus using tea tree oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as garlic. Washing with regular detergents does not always kill pathogenic bacteria. To remove fungus from clothes, laundry should be washed in hot water or, if possible, boiled. We recommend using bleach and hot iron.